All the other gardening blogs that I read have been taking about the snow, one even pretended not to talk about the snow but did. Sorry to say mine will be no different! I got up early to shovel the white stuff before heading out to work. Most of it is gone now, so I'm just going to look at it as good moisture. It lasts all day, slowly melting, and taking its time penetrating into the soil. And it really is very beautiful.

Here is my potentilla with a branch of the plum tree in the foreground.

Poor little crocus. There is something about this picture I find very relaxing. The purple and the white really compliment which other I think.

This little guy on the other hand looks very sad with this white burden on its shoulders. Perhaps this Narcissuses is named after the wrong greek mythology character. Atlas my be more accurate on this day.

And last but not lease, my lovely wife and child. Both in PJs only his is hidden behind the snow pants. He just had to come out and help me with the shoveling. He likes to do the railings. I had to take off so Suzanne had to come out and take over supervising the snow play!
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