Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

What an Easter weekend so far.  My wife Suzanne is an active Raw Foodist and she has spent the weekend at a Seminar put on by Victoria and Velva Boutenko, mother and daughter of the "Raw Family."  Check out more details on Suzanne's Blog.

With her out of the picture that left Cillian and I to set up our first Easter Egg Hunt.  Cillian is over 2 but we haven't done a hunt before.

I started by boiling the Eggs.  There are a couple ways to hard boil an egg, and its been so long since I've done it that I had to look it up.  I put the eggs into a pot and covered them with an inch of cold tap water.  I turned the heat up to full and brought the eggs to a boil.  As soon as they started to boil I removed them from the heat, but left them in the pot.  Worked great. 

I set out four bowl and Cillian added the dye.

We then added the eggs and turned them once and awhile to insure good coverage.

I used eggs we had in the fridge.  Brown, free range, and organic.  In retrospect I should have gone to the store across the alley and picked up some cheapy white eggs, they would have taken the colour better.  Some of these eggs where in the day for more than 4 hours.

This morning I hid the eggs while Cillian got his morning dose of Mama's milk.  We did the hunt before Mama had to take off to her seminar so she could take part in the family fun.  

Some eggs where pretty tricky to find.

But once we got the hang of it, it was easy.

Except for the ones just out of reach.

In the end Cillian found them all.

And then he learnt the best part, how to peal and eat them.

This afternoon we are going to go to VanDusen Gardens for the Alpine Garden Club of BC Spring Show.  I'll share some pictures later.  Then its off to Mission for dinner with my oldest friend and his family.

Happy Easter Everyone!

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