Todays post is a before, as I am hoping to get some clean up down this afternoon. If all goes as planned, I will post the after tomorrow.

A few weeks ago I posted about
planting some Kale seeds that I forgot about last season. 18 days later most of the seeds have grown into young seedlings.

I won't be doing anything with these just yet, but in a couple weeks if all the seedling survive I will be doing some thinning and transplanting.

On the east deck, these three are the only current residence. The first is a Sedum that I rescued from a yard waste container of a client. I had taken three trimming samples, stuck them in some soil and two took root and grew. They were transplanted into a garden then this one was potted when we moved. Next to it is a Black Mondo Grass and a Hosta I purchased at last years Van Dusen Plant Sale. This years
Plant Sale is April 25 by the way.

Inside is on the Piano where they got as much light as the Vancouver winter can offer I have an Aloe that I brought home from my dads cactus garden in Delia Alberta. I will have to do a post on it next we are out that way. He has been collect cacti since I was in High School. Behind that is a Sassafras I purchased at
Kits Farmers Market last year and potted to bring with us. In the big pot we have a combination that I put together. I don't remember what the main plant is called, but I think it is some kind of Fuscia. I divided a Chinese Lantern I got at the
Ambleside Farmers Market last year after we moved to the North Shore. I also added the offspring of the Black Mondo Grass I mentioned earlier to this pot as well.

In front of the window are some failed seeds. Sometimes seeds and a three year old do not go well together. There is also the previously mentioned Chinese Lantern and a Money Tree that was a house warming gift when we first moved to Kits almost 3 years ago. It has had a rough time. It has Almost died twice and was well on the road to recovery when Cillian pulled it out of the put a week or so ago. It still has some green and hopefully, like our finances will pull through!

On the south deck I have a random collection of pots. The green cooking put out from is a Passion Flower I rescued and stuck in some soil. It started to grow until the temperature started to drop, I expect it will start where it finished off this spring. There are also the two roses I rescues from an abandoned house, Cillians mini rose, two Azeleas, Strawberry bush, and our Norfork Pine we used as a Christmas tree that dried out while we were away.

Cillians Mini Rose is off to a good start.

Across the street from my previous place was an empty home that the realtors where looking for a developer to buy and take down. The yard was wildly over grown include several roses huge rose bushes. I had told Suzanne that I wanted to go over there and dig up the roses and she insisted that I couldn't do that. I gave up the idea of stealing these beautiful roses as technically it was stealing. Within 2 weeks of that conversation the city of Vancouver came in an leveled the yard. The grass, roses and everything else cut to ground and trucked away to the dump. I was instantly sorry I had not help myself, obviously no one would have carried. Months later I was walking past the yard and realized that three of the rose bushes had sprung back and, although awkwardly, began to reach for the sky. That night I ran over with my shovel and liberated them. They bloomed nicely that summer and in the fall I dug them up two of them and brought them with me.

This one has some Hens and Chicks sharing the pot with it and the other has another Mondo Grass. I am looking forward to seeing them bloom again this year.
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